WebVPN ################# **WebVPN** uses *Apache Guacamole* and is a clientless web remote desktop gateway. You can find the WebVPN Settings at **VPN → WebVPN**. Before you can use the WebVPN it has to be installed. You can install it at **System → Addons**. WebVPN Settings ******************* **Enabled** is false by default. **Hostname** is vtair by default. **Web HTTPS Port** is 443 by default. **Certificate** can be configured which certificate will be used for the WebVPN Page. **2FA** Enable Two Factor Authentication if the user has a TOTP Token enabled in VT AIR. If a user has not TOTP Token the 2FA won't be inforced for them. **Logo** is a file that can be uploaded and has to be in the PNG format. Users will see it on the WebVPN Page. You can export the settings in the top right corner as an Excel spreadsheet. You also need to make sure to add a Firewall Rule to allow access to the VT AIR on that Port. The Webserver is listening to the hostname for connections. The WebVPN is using HTTPS and a WebGUI to connect to all Servers. .. image:: img/WebVPN-Settings.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN Settings WebVPN Server Settings ************************* To connect to a Server via the WebVPN you need to create it and assign to users. **Type** can be RDP, SSH, Telnet or VNC. It is RDP by default. **Name** can be configured and has to be unique. **Description** is a description of the server. **Hostname** has to be an IP Address or hostname of a server in your network that should be accessible through the WebVPN. **Port** defaults to 3389 for RDP, 5900 for VNC, 22 for SSH and 23 for Telnet. **Username** is optional. It will be asked on connection time if not set. **Password** is the password for the username and is also optional. It will be asked on connection time if not set. **Domain** is the domain to use when attempting authentication (RDP only). **Security** can be Any, NLA, Extended NLA, TLS, VM Connect or RDP. It is Any by default. **Keyboard Layout** is the default keyboard layout and is English (US) by default (RDP only). **Keepalive Interval** allows you to configure the the interval in seconds at which the client connection sends keepalive packets to the server. The default is 0, which disables sending the packets. The minimum value is 2. .. image:: img/WebVPN-Server.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN Server WebVPN User Settings ********************* A WebVPN User connects a VTAIR user to a WebVPN server. Each user can have multiple servers. This is required for authentication. .. image:: img/WebVPN-User.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN User WebVPN Group Settings *********************** A WebVPN Group connects a VTAIR user to a WebVPN server. Each group can have multiple servers. In case a user is already connected to a server via the WebVPN user settings, the config will be merged together. .. image:: img/WebVPN-Group.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN Group WebVPN Usage ********************* When you connect to the WebVPN you first need to login with the Users credential that was set in WebVPN. A User is either from VT AIR or an LDAP Authentication Server. .. image:: img/WebVPN-Login.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN Login After the login you can see all available Servers for this User. .. image:: img/WebVPN-GUI-Server.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN GUI Server If you select one of the servers, your browser will connect to it and you can login and interact with the server through the browser. .. image:: img/WebVPN-SSH.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: WebVPN SSH