.. _Gateways Diagnostics: Gateways ########### You can find the Gateways Diagnostics at **Diagnostics → Routing → Gateways**. .. image:: img/Diagnostics-Gateway.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: Gateway Diagnostics Here you have an overview of all VT AIR **gateways** and if configured their monitoring status. To create your own gateways or edit existing ones please go to **Routing → Gateways** and refer to the documentation at :ref:`Gateway`. Routing Tables **************** Two additional tabs show **Routing Tables v4** and **Routing Tables v6**. Here you have all routing tables and their associated gateways, ordered by priority. To create additional routing tables or add gateways to existing ones please go to **Routing → Routes → Routing Tables** and refer to the documentation at :ref:`Routes Settings`. RRD Graphs **************** The last tab is **RRD Graphs**. Here you can see historical data of VT AIR gatway checks. You can select a gateway, *from date* and *to date*. There will be three graphs generated, one for *latency*, *stddev* and *loss*.