.. _VDSL Settings: VDSL ==================== You can find the VDSL Settings at **Interfaces → Assign → VDSLs**. .. image:: img/Interfaces-VDSL.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: VDSL Configuration VDSL stands for **Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line** and provides data transmission over the telephone network. The following options can be changed: **Management IP** of the modem is used internally to read out connection data. You can change the local ip to reach it here in case it collides with your network. It must be an IP in the range of **Multiplex** can be either *LLC* (Logical Link Control) or *VCMUX* (Virtual Circuit Multiplexing). Default is LLC. **VCI** is the Virtual Channel Identifier and 32 by default. **VPI** is the Virtual Path Identifier and 1 by default. VDSL Configuration ************************ To configure a VDSL connection on your VT AIR device you need to follow these steps. The specific requirements for connecting to a VDSL are dependent on your ISP. Check with your ISP to find the specific configuration. In many cases ISPs require you to have a VLAN with a specific ID to connect to their VDSL service. This configuration is assumed in this tutorial. First go to **Interfaces → Assign → VLAN**. Create a VDSL with your ISPs specific VLAN ID (e.g. 7) and either your internal VDSL modem hardware interface or your WAN hardware interface (if you have an external modem connected) as the underlying Interface. Do not enable the **Assign to new Interface** option. Click **Save**. Next, go to **Interfaces → Assign → PPPoEs** and click **Add**. Select your newly created VLAN Interface as **HwInterface** and enter the credentials that your ISP should have given you. Also enable the **Assign to new Interface** option and click **Save**. .. image:: img/PPPoE-Config.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: PPPoE Configuration You should now see a new PPPoE Interface that you can configure. Refer to :ref:`Configure Interfaces` for more details.