27. Changelog¶
27.1. VT AIR 25.01¶
OT Enforcer:
Integration of the Tofino OT Enforcer for Modbus, IEC104, DNP3, ENIP, Goose, OPC, AMP Protocols
New Logo:
Added the new VT AIR Belden Logo and Color
Other Changes:
Cellular Unblock SIM PIN with PUK
HAProxy improvements for custom error page validation
DHCP Host Reservation improvements for the data validation
27.2. VT AIR 24.10¶
DHCP Relay:
The DHCP Relay can now be used alongside the DHCP Server on the Firewall. Only one of each can run on a single interface.
DNS Firewall:
The DNS Firewall was reworked and offers different categories now.
HAProxy Frontend:
You can now connect Frontends, the main Frontend will carry all major settings. This makes it easier to distinguish frontend configurations, that can be grouped.
Webfilter Active Directory:
Support for binding the Webfilter to Active Directory for authentication and group checks.
Firewall Rule Last Used:
Firewall rules will show a last used counter and information about the states and traffic. It allows to see which rules are used how much.
Other Changes:
LDAPs fixes
HAProxy improvements for custom error pages
Notification if the hard disk space runs low
Kea DHCP Server support for relay agents
27.3. VT AIR 24.07¶
DDoS Whitelist:
DDoS has an accept parameter now to whitelist ips from blocking
Config Check:
Services like the Webfilter will run a config check now before applying new settings
The number of used CPUs can be configured. The blocklists have been reworked and have their own tab now. They can be enabled per category. Custom Configs for Pre ACL and Post ACL
LLDP neighbors can now be seen in the GUI if the LLDP service is active
Other Changes:
Bond Diagnostics
HAProxy improvements for custom error pages
DNS Diagnostics has a field to resolve IPs
Captive Portal Diagnostics Show User if any
Unbound DNS Safesearch
DHCP HA Mode can be configured
SNMP for Cellular modems
Letsencrypt custom ACME server support
STP configure Port priority
Intrusion Protection for Layer 2 Bridges
Add CSP header for security
27.4. VT AIR 24.04¶
Interface Groups:
Allow interfaces to be grouped. At the moment the group can only be used in NAT rules.
Active/Active Firewall Cluster:
In the VRRP IP options a new field sets the default destination for an VRRP IP. This allows for an Active/Active Firewall Cluster where each firewall can have active VRRP IPs. The clients in the network need to have different Gateways to either use Firewall 1 or Firewall 2. In case of a failover one Firewall will hold all IPs.
Gateway Check in the routing daemon:
The Gateway Check is now moved to the dedicated vtair-routing daemon for faster and more reliable Gateway failovers.
HAProxy Custom Error Page:
Error pages are now configurable and can be used in combination with ACLs and Actions to customize when a page is show.
WebVPN 2FA Support:
A new option allows to use the VT AIR 2FA in the User settings for the WebVPN.
Other Changes:
Kernel Update to 6.6 LTS
SNMP add write for VT AIR OIDs
Fix IPSec interface check when multiple phase1 share one interface
WLAN Client option for SSID and Password
Fix logserver changes are not applied
HASync also sync the Captive Portal Database
HAProxy make Actions sortable
HAProxy option to have one backend per host name
HAProxy fix ACL IPs with a large amount of entries
IPSec logfile from diagnostics page
OpenVPN logfile from diagnostics page
OpenVPN Copy ask for new Name
Field for Kernel boot options
HAProxy move to nbthreads instead of processes
WebVPN RDP new option for default keyboard layout
HAProxy add client certificate option Optional or Required
HAProxy health check for LDAP
Dynamic Routing Diagnostics show internal routing database
IPSec Phase 1 new IPComp option
Aliase Entries introduce paging for large amount of entries
27.5. VT AIR 24.01¶
Support for the new LTE450 network
Password Change:
At first login a password must be set for the admin user before the GUI is available. This is a major change to the previous default password and is required to comply with new security regulations.
New custom SNMP endpoints to read the data of Wireguard, IPSec, OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client
New Database Backend Connector:
The database connector in VT AIR was rewritten to provide better stability and circumvent situations when the database is busy.
Firewall Sets:
The firewall backend uses more Sets now which speed up the firewall rule load time especially for large setups and geoips.
States Sync:
Option to write synced states directly into the state table instead of using the external cache. This allows for faster failover but higher costs during sync.
Other Changes:
Fix a race condition where the cache could be filled with old data
User Download own Wireguard Profile
Dashboard Firewall, IDS, WAF Alert when Logger is disabled
Network Object import lists with Mac Addresses
Work queue has more details now in diagnostics
WebVPN add User, Password and Domain field
Fix for Captive Portal HASync of Files
Firewall uses the new ipsec Identifier
A Security Patch Repository is added when the update licence expires
Fix DHCP Pool lease lifetime option
Fix bond in bridge change not triggering a change
Fix Captive Portal interface change not triggering a change
Firewall setting for default policy
Captive Portal Diagnostics show traffic data
Intrusion Detection Report Excel Table Report
Certificates list view show extra information like DNS
Fix Interface Stats Diagnostics data not showing correct date
DNS fix no restart after interface change
WAF various fixes for excluding rules, parsing ajax requests and setting default data
27.6. VT AIR 23.10¶
WAF Engine:
The Web Application Firewall engine is changed to Coraza. Modsecurity is end of life soon and we transition over to the new engine. It also allows more efficient integration into HAProxy with the spoa interface. Alow with this change, a custom error html page can be set on each HAProxy backend.
Routing Backend
The static routing backend is outsourced to a new daemon vtair-routing. All static and mpls routes are now handled by this need routing daemon which is far more efficient than our previous implementation.
Rename LTE
All GUI entries that had LTE in it are now renamed to Cellular. Since we support 5G now we decided to go with a more generic name.
Zero Tier One
Support for multiple Zero Tier One connections
Password Change
If a user wants to change the own password, the old password will be required as well now.
Password Strenght Indicator
For all passwords, we added a strength indicator to see how good the password is
Login Attempts
Are now logged and shown in the Diagnostics under GUI Logins. All attempts are logged, regardless of success.
Running Services
Will show their corresponding ports in the diagnostics service page.
Connected Devices
All open connections to the VT AIR itself can be seen in the Diagnostics under Firewall - Host Connections
User OpenVPN Profile Download
Users can now download their own OpenVPN Profile in the Profile section when logged into the WebGUI
IPSec Phase 1 Fallback
Another Phase 1 can be picked as a backup tunnel to start in case of the original Phase 1 being down. A Ping check needs to be configured along with the Fallback tunnel to check if the remote endpoint is available.
IPSec Interface for multiple Phase 1
If the networks in the Phase 2 do not overlap, an IPSec Interface can now be used by multiple Phase 1. This makes the management of firewall rules and routes easier as the interface will carry all the different traffic.
Other Changes:
Webserver IP can now be picked by interface IPs and Virtual IPs
Cache gateway status up/down in the backend for faster processing
Letsencrypt can now be used with HAProxy in Webserver mode
The backup restore progress has more details in the GUI now and shows information until the end
Diagnostics Firewallrule Output is now streamed from the Webserver. On large setups the page blocked the entire webserver.
WPA Supplicant uses the default wpa_supplicant-wired service name now instead of a custom one
More choices for the ICMPv6 types in firewall rules
Diagnostics DHCP the apply change banner is now sticky at the top of the screen when scrolling for better visibility
Improvements and speedups when using DHCP Interfaces during startup
Improvements in detecting when interfaces go up and down
Fix for VRRP status was sometimes not shown correctly
OpenVPN show interface name in the settings of the tunnel
Firewallrule deletion show warning that open states are unaffected
IPSec Diagnostics has a new overview list page of all connections
HAProxy TCP mode allow certificates and client certificate authentication
HAProxy added a new a global custom config section
Fix the use of CRLs with HAProxy
Fix the AND / OR logic in HAProxy
Fix radvd needs IPv6 DNS server and does not start with IPv4 (RFC8106)
Fix webproxy spelling error for splice
Interface IPv6 track config can now utilize the ID to fix a subnet to an interface
Fix DNAT IPv6 was missing the [] to seperate the port
Fix Webproxy transparent proxy did not prperly work with IPv6 since the localhost address can not be used for sending (RFC4291)
ACME DNS Handle has a description field now
Fix Network Objects dynamic entries need to be validated one by one
Fix loganalyzer can not save certain json data
DHCP Server allow pools with a single IP
DHCP Server expose the reclaim parameter
Unifi App Image will have a volume created automatically on creation
Fix VRRP Master/Backup status setting under load
27.7. VT AIR 23.07¶
XDP DDoS Protection:
DDoS Firewall Rules are now loaded into XDP which allows for much faster drop rates and protection. A generic XDP programm is now loaded on non native XDP Interfaces if XDP is enabled for the DDoS protection. Intrusion Protection can now also mark flows/states for dropping in XDP when a drop rule hits, allowing for a much faster drop rate of bad traffic.
DDoS more options:
DDoS options are now more fine grained. It is possible to either count dropped traffic (default) or all traffic against the DDoS rate limit. Additional options are always available for SYN and ICMP packets to cover specialized DDoS attack cases.
LTE Support second SIM Card:
LTE modems with a second SIM card can be configured in the GUI now with automatic SIM card switching. This allows to utilize both SIM card slots and if a Gateway of one connection goes down, the Gateway check can trigger a SIM card change. Only one SIM card can be activate at a given time. There is also a GUI option in the diagnostics section of LTE to manually change the SIM card slot.
Firewall Option to Disable XDP for a flow:
If XDP is enabled you can now exclude flows through a firewall rule options. It is useful for QoS or Diagnostics.
IPSec Hardware Offload Setting:
In case of a Mellanox NIC that supports IPSec offload you can enable the setting in the GUI
Faster Gateway configuration at boot:
The default Gateway will be added faster now on boot if possible. This will work for static Gateways and DHCP Gateways.
Option to show Hostname in header:
Show the hostname of the VT AIR in the header and in the login screen. This way you can more easily identify which VT AIR you are on
VRF Support:
Virtual routing and forwarding allows for better seperation of network interfaces and routes. One can now group interfaces by VRF and VRF also allows the creation of a Layer 3 VPN (L3VPN) in combination with our dynamic routing options. VRF can be added in the Interface configuration and added to each assigned Interface in the advanced options.
SNMP Conntrack States:
Export the number of used conntrack states to SNMP
HAProxy more Options:
The configuration of SSL and Cipher Parameter is now possible in the GUI.
Firewall Detect Possible Duplicate Rules:
Each Interface Firewall and Global Firewall Rule has a new option in the GUI to show possible duplicate rules. VT AIR checks the 6 tupple (Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port, Protocol, Interface) to check if there is another rule that might cover the same rule. We do not check any extra options though so a manual check has to be performed. The design requires the firewall service to run first and fill up the data for the check. The same goes for changes of firewall rules which need to be applied first before the new data set is available.
Firewall Optimizations:
We use Sets now for Network Objects and especially Geo IPs, this is a config generation change only. The change allows us to only load used Objects which will speed up firewall rule loading by a lot especically for setups utilizing the Geo IP data. There are no changes to the GUI and it is backend change only.
Other GUI Changes:
Rename XDP Offloader to XDP
Update to the Copyright list of used packages
Other Changes:
API Schema file is now only rewritten on a version change to make the GUI start faster
Cleanup of old logrotate files in the config directory
Fix for addons not available across worker processes
Fix for Letsencrypt DNS Handles not beeing HASynced to the secondary firewall
Fix for Interface and VirtualIP can have the same IP Address on the same interface
Fix for LTE Interface has no Link Local IPv6 address in some cases
Fix for Wired WPA Supplicant not having a fake SSID
Fix for Bridge interface members and DHCP Server not beeing in the correct state when the GUI starts. They are now reloaded upon the GUI start so we can control interface changes correctly
HAProxy delete certificates that are not in use by any Frontend anymore
HAProxy duplicate backend do not also duplicate the ACL and Verdict rules in the Frontend
Bootup load firewall rules faster
WLAN and WWAN interfaces create a stable naming of wwanX and wlanX
SNMP fix bridge OID values
Support for 5G modems
Fix Gateway Monitoring not always recording data for diagnostics
Logcleanup can now shrink /var/log to the configured RAM Disk size if RAM disk is enabled
Fix QoS Tab is created for non eligible interfaces
27.8. VT AIR 23.04¶
eXpress Data Path flow offloader (XDP)
SNMP allow for multiple Trap Server
SNMP custom traps
Services can have non existing Virtual IPs on standby
LTE Dual Stack fixes
27.9. VT AIR 23.01¶
DNS Firewall extend lists
Webfilter extend lists
DHCP Static Entry as Firewall Object
IPSec allow start and trap at the same time
Captive Portal Voucher
Captive Portal Redirect to another VT AIR
Docker Backup Script
Webfilter more options in the GUI for Man in the Middle and redirect, as well as logging
Webfilter add LDAP Support
Change Diagnostic Data to influxdb
27.10. VT AIR 22.10¶
Firewall Rule TCPDump
Firewall Rule Trace
Interface HASync
Add Multiple Options for DNS, DHCP, VirtualIP
Config Default Templates
Syslog TLS Option
Routing Backend Refactoring for faster speed
Gateway changes custom scripts
Firewall better custom rule GUI
GUI Updates and Factory Defaults output improvements
Certificate P12 also import CA
Network Object Entries reordering
Allow to select default firewall rule tab
Firewall temp rules with expiration date
New radius backend library
27.11. VT AIR 22.07¶
IPv6 Network Prefix Translation
Windows AD Client for Identity Awareness
PC Client for Identity Awareness
Service Speed Improvements
Rename Alias to Network Objects
Select fields are now searchable in the Webgui
Firewall fields for IPs and Ports are changed to real time search fields
Firewall Rule support raw syntax
DNS Diagnostics
Diagnostics IP Addresses country flags
IPSec Identifier simplification
OpenVPN Diagnostics show encryption for each connected client
DHCP Server TFTP iPXE Support
QinQ choose VLAN Type
Intrusion Detection Option to exclude internal traffic
DynDNS Cron option for time based checks
Letsencrypt renew support custom script
Interface create option for default firewall rules
27.12. VT AIR 22.04¶
Kernel Update to 5.15
Move Firewall Rules between Global and Interface
AWS Alias list
Allow all Interfaces to be disabled
Firewall Rule show order
DNS Domain allow exact match and all subdomains
Webfilter Virus Scan whitelist domains
DHCP Static IP lease checks
Improve States Diagnostics
QoS use only base interfaces
HASync optimizations
Firewall Rule delete button in edit screen
XLXS Export for firewall settings
Read Only Group
Zerotier Addon
27.13. VT AIR 22.01¶
Systat Sum interfaces
WAF Dashboard
BGP Passive Neighbor
HASync Onboarding
HA Sync Sign and Warning Secondary
GeoIP Continents
OpenVPN Custom Overrides
Firewall Rule Divider
CSR Sign with CA
OpenVPN Remove Peer to Peer
Disk Mail Root Notifications
VRRP needs a static or dhcp IP
Auto Update change
Logfile Cleaner
HAProxy ssl
DNS Domain Overrides allow multiple
VRRP Fail on disk error
DNS Domain Firewall Rules
AWS and Azure
Webserver disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and DHE Algorithm
OpenSSH disable DHE Algorithm
27.14. VT AIR 21.10¶
Update to Debian 11
Intrusion Detection Events Dashboard
Firewall Events Dashboard
Dynamic Routing Custom Config Options
Intrusion Detection Email Reports
Dynamic Routing BPD Support
Dynamic Routing IS-IS Support
CSR Import
Wireguard Fast Peer Creation
High Availability Unicast Option (VRRP and States Sync)
Restructuring of the Diagnostics Menu
IPSec EAP Radius Support
LTE Diagnostics enhancements
Support for page size on list views like Firewall
Route Diagnostics shows Protocol Name
VRRP Fix for IPv4 and IPv6 Support
Authenticator 802.1X enhancements and diagnostics
OpenVPN Shared Key Config fixes
IPSec fix for AES-GCM in Phase 1
OpenVPN Restart on Gateway change
27.15. VT AIR 21.07¶
DDoS Firewall Early Drop
Suricata DDoS Firewall Blocking
Suricata Update Rules or Groups
Gateway Check History
Web Application Firewall
HAProxy Proxy Option
Wireguard VRRP Master Option
Firewall Rules Delete All
Intrusion Protection VT AIR Pro Rules Support
Gateway Force Down Option
Letsencrypt DNS Authentication
27.16. VT AIR 2.2.9¶
State Counter
Netflow Export
App Container Environment Variables
OpenVPN GUI Improvements
CPU Profiles
27.17. VT AIR 2.2.8¶
Captive Portal User Authentication
VirtualIP Alias can have a Netmask
Intrusion Detection option Drop First
DHCP Options NTP Fix
OpenVPN User Authentication Diagnostics Fix
Captive Portal is part of the base Installation
Intrusion Detection Diagnostics add a protocol dropdown
IP reverse DNS for Firewall and Intrusion Detection Diagnostics
App Definition Copy
Identity Management
User based Firewall Rules
VirtualIP Carp setting for start mode (Master/Backup)
IPSec fixes and options for close/open/dpd
SDWAN support (Preview)
Linux Kernel 5.10 (LTS)
27.18. VT AIR 2.2.7¶
App Control (Application Firewall Rules)
Security Dashboard
VXLAN Support
WebVPN Groups Support
Webfilter SSL Man in the Middle Support
Webfilter Auto Detect PAC File
Sudo Support
IPSec Ping Check
OpenVPN Copy Option
Webfilter is part of the base Installation
Intrusion Detection show predefined rules
Wireguard Copy Option
Route remove if Gateway is down
27.19. VT AIR 2.2.6¶
New WebVPN Addon
Intrusion Detection is part of the base system
Intrusion Detection Speedups
SNAT output interfaces
Firewall rules trace
Google IPs as Alias
Notification Messages for Interface, Gateway, Virtual IP change
Web Filter (Squid) Fixes
Wireguard Config Import
Wireguard MTU option
Wireguard Routing Table option
Web Filter change blacklist
Audit Log Export
MPLS Support
Multipath Routes Support
Docker Fixes and Show Ports in the GUI
Users and Groups are moved to their own Menu item
GUI Login requires System Admin (Admin) or System User (User) group membership
27.20. VT AIR 2.2.5¶
LTE fix SIM PIN leading zero is removed
Captiveportal fixes for OSX/iPhone
Apply Change now checks for in progress on the Webgui
Firewall Rule Routing Table Back Direction
Dashboard Traffic Widget can be added multiple times
IPSec Allow All/Any as Interface
Captive Portal Timeout for clients
Alias/CP Hostnames are now resolved more accurately
HAProxy Backend Sticky Table
Wireguard DNS Server
Wireguard Multiple IP Addresses
Wireguard Peer Export
Wirguard QRCode for config exports
PPPoE Interface Master Only
SHDSL Mode und PAM
Default Certificate can be removed
Dashboard Columns can be set
Firewall Diagnostics show current ruleset
CPU Mitigation can be enabled/disabled
SNMP Temperature export
27.21. VT AIR 2.2.4¶
Squid ClamAV Virus Scanner
Squid Shallala Blacklist
IPSec Diagnostics shows Encryption Paramter
LTE Roaming Option
Diagnostics have auto reload enabled
IPSec Support additional Algorithms (AES-CCM, ChaCha20)
GRETAP Support (Layer 2)
PCrypt for parallel encryption speedup
LDAP Automatic User Sync
Auto Update Report Emails
DynDNS Strato Support
802.1X Authenticator Addon
Firewall Custom Rules in GUI
WireGuard VPN Support
27.22. VT AIR 2.2.3¶
Escape Virtual IP Password
LTE Templates for Providers
Update Pages shows individual updates
Traffic Widget option for PPS
Backup Name includes hostname and time
State Deletion of Offloaded Connections
Rate Limit SSH to VT AIR
IPSec Secondary Authentication
IPSec Client Connection Support
IPSec Support for EAP-TLS, EAP-MD5, EAP-MSChapv2
Squid Proxy Addon
Auditlogs for SHDSL, VDSL, LTE, Apps
LTE Autoconnect and Refresh Fixes
Captive Portal Updates
IPSec Fix Problems with Certificate Authentication
DHCP Client Leasetime Field Added
Certificate only requires CNAME
GRE Keepalive Support
SNMP Fixed Interface MIBs for VT AIR Models internal interfaces
27.23. VT AIR 2.2.2¶
Firewall Time Support
VDSL Diagnostics
ARP Table Settings
QoS Bridge
LTE Diagnostics
Certificate Creation on User Page
Two Factor Authentication GUI + OpenVPN
Captive Portal
27.24. VT AIR 2.2.1¶
VDSL Settings and Diagnostics
Update Email Schedule for Updates
Portal Backup of config
NAT and Firewall Search
Copyright in GUI for all packages
GRE over IPSec fixes
GRE responder for keepalive IPv4
QoS Flow offload fixes
27.25. VT AIR 2.2.0¶
LDAP Sync User Groups
NAT Reflection Netmask
OpenVPN Gateways can be selected
QoS Flowtable fix
Session Timeout can be configured
Login IPs can be whitelisted
Diagnostics for NTP
DynDNS Home Support
27.26. VT AIR 2.1.3¶
Geo IPs
Office365 Firewall Rules
DNS Blacklists
27.27. VT AIR 2.1.2¶
Bond ARP Check
SNAT Routing Table
27.28. VT AIR 2.1.1¶
Portal Connection Management
Bond in Bridge
Bond xmit policy
Gateway Groups Diagnostics
DNAT Routing Table
27.29. VT AIR 2.1.0¶
Bridge Layer2 Firewall Rules
Flowtable Implementation
Remote Access Daemon
27.30. VT AIR 2.0.0¶
Config Mode
Suricata for IDS/IPS
UPNP IPv6 Support
Software Raid Support and Diagnostics
Syslogs for more Services
Auto RAID 1 Installation
App Armor
27.31. VT AIR 1.6.0¶
Email Alerts for Updates
Strongswan Swanctrl
Allow for IPSec Interfaces
Backup/Restore fix
P12 Certificate Import
WPA Supplicant for wired Interfaces
IPSec multiple source IPs
UPNPNat working
Letsencrypt Support
Firewall Helper
27.32. VT AIR 1.5.0¶
Addon Apcups
Addon Ntopng
DHCP Mac Deny
TCPDump file download
RRD Graphs
SMART Status Hard Drives
Systemctl for Firewall
OpenVPN Server Authentication Server
27.33. VT AIR 1.4.0¶
User Authentication Radius
User Authentication LDAP
Addon Avahi
Addon IGMPProxy
High Availability Config Sync
High Availability VRRP
High Availibilty Firewall States Sync
Service changes for HA
LAGG set active port
SHDSL Option to disable modem
Wake on LAN
27.34. VT AIR 1.3.0¶
Fix Users ssh key
Limiter Support
Fix Reset to factory defaults
Ability to change settings after restore before reload
Addon Structure
HAProxy Addon
Hostname Support for Firewall and IPSec
HWInterface Support
Webgui File Manager
VRRP Select Track Interfaces
SFP and Bridge Diagnostics
OpenVPN Importer
27.35. VT AIR 1.2.0¶
Flowtables for fast forwarding
Track Interface
DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation
DNS over TLS
Dynamic DNS
Fix firewall rule logging
27.36. VT AIR 1.1.0¶
Fix IP detection problem in Axes behind reverse proxy
Add Routing Tables and the ability to assign them via Firewall Rules
Add Gateway Fallback and Loadbalancing
Handle all Gateways in code now
QinQ Interface Support
Allow VTI in Bonds
Fix backup to exclude certain data
MLPPP Support
Gateway Monitoring fixes
OpenVPN fixes
OpenVPN enable certificate + user authentication
GUI fixes
27.37. VT AIR 1.0.1¶
fix consumer mixin bug
27.38. VT AIR 1.0.0¶
Inital Release