16.9. ISIS

Routing ISIS

ISIS stands for Intermediate System to Intermediate System and is a routing protocol designed to move information efficiently within a network.

You can find the ISIS Settings at Routing → ISIS.

Area Password is the Authentication password for an area.

Area Password Type can be either clear or md5 and is clear by default.

Domain Password is the Authentication password for a domain.

Domain Password Type can be either clear or md5 and is clear by default.

Type is one of the three following:

  • Level-1 (Act as a station router only)

  • Level-1-2 (Act as both a station router and an area router)

  • Level-2-Only (Act as an area router only)

Custom Options can be used for custom configuration parameters for the config.

16.9.1. ISIS Interface

Routing ISIS Interface

An ISIS Interface can be defined under Routing → ISIS → ISIS Interface.

Interface the interface to use.

IP Type is either IPv4 or IPv6.

Circuit Type is one of the three following:

  • Level-1 (only adjancencies are formed)

  • Level-1-2 (adjancencies are formed)

  • Level-2-Only (only adjancencies are formed)

Network Type is either Broadcast or Point-to-Point.

Passive Mode to configure the interface as passive.

Password and if it is cleartext or MD5.

Priority for designated router election.

Priority Type is either Level 1 for the area or Level 2 for the domain.

Three Way Handshake for P2P adjancencies.

Enable BFD for BFD support.

Custom Options can be used for custom configuration parameters for the config.