10.10. PPP¶
You can find the PPP Settings at Interfaces → Assign → PPP.

PPP can only be configured on top of:
WWAN Physical Interfaces
Modem Serial Ports
PPP is commonly used for Cellular modem dial in connections.
There are three drop downs: Country, Provider and Plan. Depending on the selection it will prefill several of the following fields with data.
Username is the PPP Username.
Password is the PPP Password.
APN is the Access Point Name.
SIM PIN can be configured if necessary.
Dual SIM Card Support if you have a VT AIR that has two physical SIM card slots, you can utilize the Daul SIM Option. Only one SIM Card can be active at the same time but you can configure an automatic failover in case the Gateway of the connection is down. In order for this to work, please configure a monitoring IP and disable the Gateway option Always Up Gateway.

Options all options above are available again for the second SIM card.
Auto Failover enables the failover to the non active SIM card in case the Gateway of the connection goes down.
Roaming to allow the modem to use roaming.
10.10.1. LTE/5G¶
If you bought your VT AIR with LTE or 5G, you can configure it with the following settings:
HWInterface wwan0
Port /dev/cdc-wdm0
Data Port /dev/cdc-wdm0
Add the dial in data of your provider and assign the PPP to an interface.

You can now configure your newly created interface for internet or as a backup connection.
We have a Video Tutorial regarding the LTE/5G configuration:
10.10.2. LTE450¶
LTE 450 is a network that utilizes the 450MHz cellular band to provide robust, long-range connectivity with increased coverage and deeper signal penetration. This frequency is now being used for LTE 450 networks as the industry transitions into the LTE and 5G era. The 450MHz band is well-suited for IoT devices and critical applications, ranging from smart grid and smart meter services to public safety applications. It supports CAT-M and narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) technologies, making it ideal for large area coverage. This has enabled cellular providers to offer blanket coverage cost-effectively. The 450MHz band is used by 115 operators in 60 countries across the world.
If you bought your VT AIR with LTE450, you can configure it with the following settings:
HWInterface None
Port ‘/dev/ttyCELLULAR’
Data Port ‘/dev/ttyCELLULAR’
Add the dial in data of your provider and assign the PPP to an interface.